Third Party Disclaimer

Notice Regarding Third-Party Trademarks

Visitors and customers of Develop Device should be aware that any third-party entities, products, bands, or individual artists mentioned, referenced, or implied on this website may possess trademarks that are legally registered to their respective owners. These entities and their products are not affiliated with, associated with, or in partnership with Develop Device in any manner.

Purpose of Third-Party Product and Artist Citations

The mention of third-party product names, bands, or individual artists on the Develop Device platform serves exclusively to identify the hardware, software, or artistic influences utilized in the creation of my digital goods. This inclusion is critical for transparency and clarity regarding the tools, technologies, and inspirations employed in my production processes.

Clarification of Association and Endorsement

Any reference made to third-party names, products, bands, or individual artists on this website should not be interpreted as an indication of a collaborative relationship or an endorsement by or of these entities. Such references are purely informational, aimed at delineating the equipment, software, and artistic influences used in the crafting of Develop Device’s products.